Services at Fresh Perspectives Counseling

  • Individual Counseling

    I work with individuals at the cusp of change. People come to therapy when they identify their current life is no longer serving them. That’s where I step in and support your growth one on one.

  • DBT Informed Counseling

    Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based therapy modality to learn mindfulness, emotional regulation skills, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. I provide skills groups and individual counseling. Let’s start working toward your life worth living today.

  • Counseling for tired perfectionists

    We all like to do well at things, there’s no doubt about it. Sometimes we find that we’ve been pushing ourselves to a level that isn’t sustainable. To all my folks who have pushed hard to achieve and find themselves burnt out, I can help.

  • Trauma Counseling

    Trauma happens. We all wish it didn’t. Sometimes we grow up in it, and sometimes awful events occur; it can often leave invisible scars that shape how we navigate the world from then on. If you find yourself struggling to connect, feel meaning in your relationships, or have rigid thinking, I am ready to help.

Get in touch.